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What Exactly is a Refurbished Computer?

Refurbished computers are not the only electronic gadgets sold in the market. In fact, reconditioning or refurbishing of devices is not a new concept anymore. For many years, even before the introduction of computers, people have been selling refurbished products, such as television sets, walkmans, compact discs, radios, and many others. In essence, refurbished desktop computers are rebuilt units using parts from used desktop computers or those that have been returned by consumers to manufacturers for a variety of reasons, which include malfunctioning components, scratches or other cosmetic blemishes, and even damaged packaging. Also, some of these computers are demo models used in shops, appliance centers, and department stores.

Before refurbished computers are sold in the market, they are first tested and checked thoroughly. After deleting all the files from the used desktops or laptops, the units will then undergo complete hardware diagnostics. This will ascertain if all the parts and components are functioning properly. This is also done in desktop computers or laptops that have been returned to manufacturers. Once the computer hardware has been carefully checked and it passed all the necessary tests, it will be installed with an operating system and necessary software before being resold as refurbished desktop computers.

Not all computers pass the rigorous hardware testing. Naturally, there are used desktop computers or laptops that will have problems in their partition tables, RAM, motherboard or other parts. If the problems are minor, the used PC will be refitted with working components. Then, another testing is performed. The computers that have big problems are no longer use as an individual unit. However, some of their smoothly working parts can be used to enhance other refurbished computer units. It is also not surprising that one PC can be rebuilt from the parts of several used or old computers.

After making sure that refurbished computers have excellent functioning hardware and appropriate licensed software, the next thing that needs to be checked is the physical appearance of the units. The amount of dings and scratches will also determine the price of the reconditioned or used desktop computers. However, if the blemishes and physical problems are severe, such as cracks or big bumps, then the computer casing is replaced or cleaned. More often than not, refurbished desktop computers and laptops come with warranties so you do not have to worry about returning them due to defects. It is also important to check whether these units are certified or not.

More Information On Refurbished Computers visit @ www.systemactive.com

Article Source: www.articlesofinformation.com


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