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Battery maintenance tips for iPad 2

By: Aseem Gaurav, March 23, 2011 (New Delhi)

First, congratulations on being the proud owner of iPad 2. Now that you have an iPad 2, so you may be wondering how you can best utilize the battery life of your latest gizmo, for which you have become the envy of your friends and neighbours. I give you few tips over how to maximize the batter life of iPad 2.

Apple’s iPad 2 has a built-in 25-watt-hour rechargeable lithium-polymer battery, with up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi-Fi, watching video, or listening to music. Its battery can last up to 9 hours of surfing the web using 3G data network as well.

Well, the battery life of iPad 2 depends actually on the way you use it. Like if you play videos most of the time then it will go off quickly. But rather than using heavy stuff if you use it only for ebooks then probably you’ll have more life.

The recharging method means a lot. Use the USB cable adapter that can be plugged in electric outlets. Also make sure that you use a high power USB outlet that lets you charge your iPad. Furthermore, once your iPad gets fully charged through the PC or through the adapter; do not leave it on charge, as it is a negative your battery.

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