By: Aseem Gaurav on May 31, 2011
Apple’s next generation device, the iPad 2, is easy to use, since it is designed that way. But there are certain features which you can’t know automatically. Also no one is going to tell you either and you don’t have the time to read the owner’s manual. gives you some quick and neat tips and tricks that can help you get the most out of your slate.
1.Control iPad notifications
Notifications can get annoying, most importantly at a time when you are enjoying some YouTube video or playing your favourite game. In order to go control these messages, go to Settings, Notifications, and configure which alerts (and accompanying sounds) you want to appear.
2. Password protect your Apps
Just like the computer password, the iPad allows users to password protect specific apps apart from general log-in password. It is of great help as you prevent other common users (family members) from purchasing unwarranted songs and apps with your credit card. Simply go to “Settings”, select “General” followed by “Restrictions.” A list of apps as well as a checkbox will appear that says "Enable Restrictions." Check this box to activate the password prompt. Now “Set Passcode" and enter a four-digit password. Keep in mind this password will control access to specific apps and is a different password than the device code. Now select the apps you want to password protect and then press “Done.”
3. AirPlay to stream movies, photos and music
Apple's upgraded wireless media streaming feature, called AirPlay, lets you stream, video and photo streaming to Apple TV directly from iOS 4.2 devices, and allows users to send music and album art to third-party hardware. AirPlay also lets you simultaneously stream music to multiple devices in different rooms throughout the house. Using it is simple; just tap the AirPlay icon and it turns on.
4. How to create App folders on iPad
To create a folder on the device, just tap an app icon and hold until the App icons start to jiggle. After doing so, drag one app over the top of another App and release in order to create a new folder that will contain both these Apps. A new folder icon will appear which you can name according to the category of apps, or can rename it.
5. Use AirPrint
AirPrint is a great option for users of iPad – one of the latest features in the latest version of iOS 4.2. It lets you take prints directly to certain wireless printers from your iPad. This feature doesn’t require any setup on the user’s part. All you need is AirPrint capable device and a wireless printer that supports it. AirPrint is on by default, and nothing to adjust in your Settings app. iPad automatically locates and connects to AirPrint-enabled printers on your Wi-Fi network. Simply choose Print from the Share menu for virtually any open document, select the printer, and decide on a quantity, and you're set.