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Sony gets hacked in three more countries; personal data stolen

By: Aseem Gaurav on May 25, 2011

Hackers have targeted Sony Corporation, yet again! This time they have breached a database at Sony Ericsson’s Eshop online store for mobile phones in Canada, extracting personal information of more than 2,000 customers. Records including names, email addresses and encrypted passwords were stolen but no additional personal or credit card details have been compromised, the company said.

The company has also suspended sites in Indonesia and Thailand because of a suspected attack.

The latest series of attack follows a breach of PlayStation Network (PSN) database and the Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) database, exposing personal data from more than 100 million accounts. Not surprisingly, the Sony PSN hacking and outage saga, took a hefty toll on Sony’s financial outlook. In a revised earnings report, the company said it expects outage costs to total $171 million.

"Sony is investigating whether the attacks discovered in the past week are related to each other. Sony hasn't found evidence to link those attacks to last month's intrusion into the Playstation Network," Sony spokesman Atsuo Omagari said.

Just a few days back, Sony said hackers breached its Greece servers, exposing the usernames, passwords, e-mails and phone numbers of 8,500 people. Following Greece, hackers attacked Sony Music Entertainment Japan and stolen information from thousands of accounts. Security firm Sophos said hackers used SQL injection attack on the Sony Music Japan website.

It seems like that despite such major security leaks, which has become an embarrassment for the company, it is still not able to get its acts right. It is high time that Sony should do something to control the damage or its reputation and make up for its losses from the continuous attacks. I think Sony definitely needs some sort of miracle to prevent more attacks.

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