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Game Changer turns your iPad into a real game board

By: Aseem Gaurav on September 18, 2011

Identity Games has just launched an accessory called Game changer, which turns your iPad into a real game board.

After downloading the companion app from the App Store, you then need to insert your iPad into the board’s dock and the board comes to life. This adds a twist of the gaming using the tablet. GameChanger is compatible with both the iPad, and the iPad 2.

Each game comes with a custom skin and players merely need to place it on top. And when you touch the game’s board the screen of your iPad responds with animations and sounds.

Given that the iPad and game board are connected all your moves are tracked as play the game. You can spin the wheel on the iPad and move the game piece around the board.

But you need to wait for the product as it will launch in November, just in time for the holiday shopping season. GameChanger will cost you $79.99.

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