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'Trial By Timeline' app scans your Facebook profile to find international crimes committed

By: iPadfanzz Editor on May 16, 2013

The New Zealand branch of Amnesty International – a highly regarded non-profit organization dedicated to protecting our human rights – has come out with a Facebook application called Trial By Timeline, which explains to users of the social network how their public postings and interactions could see them imprisoned, tortured, killed by extremists or even beheaded in other countries with oppressive regimes.

The app has been designed to use anything you’ve ever said and done on the social networking site against you and comes out with the sentence term. To do so, the app analyzes all your posts, photos, affiliations, pages you’ve liked, and “interrogates” some of your contacts.

For instance, you could suffer multiple beatings and experience torture repeatedly for being a female (beaten in Algeria, tortured in Pakistan), having a job in the media (beaten in Montenegro, tortured in Turkmenistan), and participating in a form of activism (beaten in Indonesia, tortured in India). You could have been beaten, tortured, and imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for socializing with an unrelated male.

At the same time, you could face lashes in Qatar for enjoying a beer or two and in Indonesia for playing 25-cent blackjack.

Try it out.  The app seems to be pretty interesting.


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