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Google+ beats Facebook in customer satisfaction index

By: Aseem Gaurav on July 17, 2012

In an unexpected turn, Google+, the social network from the Internet search giant, has been ranked higher among consumers than Facebook in a new customer satisfaction survey of social-media websites.

The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) reported that Facebook users are unsatisfied with the world’s largest social network. The Palo Alto, California, based Facebook, scored 61 on a 1 to 100 scale, while Google+, led all social sites with a 78 rating, said ForeSee, an analytics company, that produced the report with the help of the ACSI.

Facebook scored a rating of 66 last year and a 64 in 2010.

The report suggests that Google+ good results is because of the absence of traditional advertising and is seen among consumers as a good mobile product. On the other hand, Facebook lost points because of users complaining of ads and privacy concerns. The recent complaints about Facebook include its user interface and the Timeline feature.

"Facebook and Google+ are competing on two critical fronts: customer experience and market penetration. Google+ handily wins the former, and Facebook handily wins the latter, for now," said Larry Freed, President and CEO of ForeSee.

"If Facebook doesn't feel the pressure to improve customer satisfaction now, that may soon change," Freed added.

According to Freed, Google+ is reaping benefits from Google+ search service, which has always been the top choice of the customers.

Other notable social networking websites, namely LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter, scored 69 and lower, but greater than Facebook’s 61 points.

At the same time, Google also dominated the customer satisfaction ratings of online search engines, with 82 points followed by Bing and Ask.com with scores of 81 and 80, respectively.

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