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Twitter will shorten some tweets to only 117 characters!

By: iPadfanzz staff on February 21, 2013

Now the next time you tweet you need to use fewer characters. Micro blogging platform Twitter has announced that it will make some changes in their t.co link wrapper which means that the 140 character per tweet will be reduced to 117 or 118 characters to some of your tweets.

"We'd like to share some upcoming changes to our t.co link wrapper with the ecosystem. We're going to be extending the maximum length of t.co wrapped links from 20 to 22 characters for non-https URLs, and 21 to 23 characters for https URLs," the company said.

This means if you are tweeting a lot using Twitter’s t.co, then you will have less remaining characters. However if you are using bit.ly or TinyUrl, you don’t have to worry about t.co.

It is also believed that t.co protects its users from 'malicious sites that engage in spreading malware' and allows the number of clicks (hence relevance) to be easily calculated.

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