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Duke Nukem Forever trailer released

By: Aseem Gaurav on June 6, 2011

Nukem Forever fans have received an early treat from 2K Games and Gearbox Software as the developers have launched the trailer of the long-awaited first-person shooter Duke Nukem Forever for Sony Corp.’s Playstation 3, Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox 360, and the PC. The game is due for release on June 14 in the US.

The demo was given to fans who pre-ordered the game. The trailer showcases vehicle gameplay, shooting gameplay, an alien crotch punch, and a strip club activity.

Duke Nukem is a fictional character and action hero who has been the protagonist in over a dozen video games. He originally made his debut back in 1991, but it has been a long wait of twenty years for the legend to grow into a videogame phenomenon. The delays were caused by a bitter lawsuit between publisher 2K Games and former developer 3D Realms and numerous game engine upgrades.

The legend of Duke Nukem Forever is finally complete and is soon going to enthrall games and fans alike. An important aspect of his character is that he just loves firearms and he doesn’t need to read the instructions or research his latest armament, he just picks it up, points and fires. He also has some famous one-liners ranging from ‘Kick ass and chew bubblegum…’ to ‘Hail to the king, baby.’ From his thick cigars to the pipe bombs that line his braces, he has become the world’s action hero gaming icon. Moreover, he has been a hit with ladies as the hero is always ready to rescue damsels in distress.

In the trailer, the alien invaders are invading and only the King can save the universe and no one can stop our hero from saving the world: not even pig cops, alien shrink rays and magnanimous alien bosses. The King arrives with an arsenal of over-the-top weapons, massive levels, non-stop action, franchise interactivity, read adult magazines, or check out the babes that occupy Duke's life.

Amazon.com Inc. this week is offering a $10 Bonus and $3 MP3 Credit with the pre-order purchase of Duke Nukem Forever.


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