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Twitter launches own photo-sharing service

By: Aseem Gaurav on June 2, 2011

At the D9 conference, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo has said that the microblogging site is getting its own photo-sharing service.

“We now are providing a native photo-sharing experience. We’ll be rolling it out over the next few weeks,” Costolo said.

He said that the company had partnered with Photobucket to offer photo attachments to tweets directly from the Twitter homepage.

Twitter expects the feature to go live in "the next several weeks," according to its blogpost.

Twitter would now be in direct competition with popular photo sharing sites like TwitPic and YFrog.

Costolo said Twitter photos  in no way compete with Facebook Albums and would be organized around conversations.

The feature is on the Web for now and will be extended to mobile clients. Twitter hopes to include non-smartphone devices as well in the future.

Twitter has also revamped its search engine as now the results will become relevant and personalized, so different users may get different results. The results will also show photos and videos in the display.

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