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Santa promotes Siri in Apple Christmas ad

By: Aseem Gaurav on December 19, 2011

Everyone's favorite bearded fat man, Santa Claus, is no stranger to latest gadgets and gizmos. The latest ad released by Apple shows Santa Claus with an iPhone 4S using Siri, the smart iPhone personal voice assistant to plan his trip and help him deliver gifts to children around the world.

The new TV commercial shows Santa using Siri, to find your find directions to Charlie Grants house and local weather conditions on Christmas Eve. It then appears that Santa Claus started feeling cold, so he asks Siri just how cold it is in Cleveland tonight ... "Really cold .... down to about 14 degrees," replies Siri and shows the weather information. The old white bearded guy even gets a message from Mrs Claus saying go easy on the cookies.

The technology-savvy Santa further asks the voice assistant "How does the rest of my day look" and Siri responds "You have 3.7 billion appointments.

The idea behind Apple launching this add to give a boost to iPhone 4S sales this festive season and what’s the better way than to rope in Santa and discuss the important points of Siri. So will you buy an iPhone 4S this Christmas?


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